Lē Matthew
︎︎︎ Interdisciplinary Strategist, Artist & Designer

︎To interact with this space, please click on the green words and scroll up.

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  1. About
  2. CV
  3. Textiles
  4. Research & Development
  5. Lookbooks
  6. Music


©2025 Lē Matthew

Photographs and texts on this site and on Degrade may not be reproduced without the permission of the owner.

Lē Matthew ︎︎︎Interdisciplinary Artist & Designer

︎To interact with this space, please click on the green words and scroll up.

︎ Menu

  1. About
  2. CV
  3. Textiles
  4. Research & Development
  5. Lookbooks
  6. Music

︎Degrade Store

©2022 Lē Matthew     No images or text on this site or Degrade
can be used without the permission of the designer.